AnimServo is a plug-in for use with Autodesk Maya. It allows you to use a variety of methods to create & record animation from Autodesk Maya and import it to a Pololu Maestro USB Servo Controller using Pololu Maestro Control Center Software.
Create recordings that can control from 1 up to 24 servos depending on which Pololu Maestro USB Servo Controller you are using.
Sample Rate: 24 samples per second.
AnimServo uses several different methods that allow you to connect to existing controls in Maya or create new ones. In addition, AnimServo has several custom control setups including one for Faceware Technologies facial motion capture products.
OS: WINDOWS 8.1 and above NOT intended for use with MAC OS
MUST HAVE Autodesk Maya (2015, 2016, 2017) INSTALLED (Not compatible with Maya Lite)
Python 2.7 (developed with 2.7.8)
Pololu Maestro Control Center Software (version Editor limited to 8192 bytes)
Code editing software (Such as): Notepad++
Pololu Maestro USB Servo Controller (6, 12, 18, and 24 channel)
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